Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Feb. 1, 2012: Turned Down the Cake!

I didn't turn in as early as I anticipated last night, but did manage to get in almost 7 hours of sleep.  That's not bad.  Today at work, I attended a baby shower for a coworker.  They had the most amazing looking cake and punch; I don't like to be rude, but I turned it down.  I opted for an apple earlier, instead.  I feel good about that choice!  I know,... Who would pick an apple over cake, right?  It was tempting for a minute.  But then I thought the joy I would experience would be so temporary and I would much rather choose to go for the longer-term goal.  It would be way too easy to make excuses early on in my program.  But I am determined.  I didn't need the extra calories to enjoy the get together w/my friends/colleagues & to celebrate a baby on the way.   

After work, I felt exhausted, but did manage to get to the gym.  I really wanted to go home and go to bed, but knew that I would feel better once I got my exercise in.  I put in 30 minutes on the treadmill and then hit a few resistance machines.  I have to say, I do feel really good that I made that choice as well.  I was hungry today, so chose to eat a little more often, but all healthy choices. 

I'm going to try once again to get to bed earlier.  According to Tosca Reno's The Eat-Clean Diet, "only during the hours we are in a deep sleep is human growth hormone produced".  "Growth hormone works directly on cells to stimulate metabolism.  It occurs naturally in each of us, increasing the metabolic rate by as much as 20 percent" (p. 24).  "If you're constantly in a state of exhaustion due to lack of sleep, you'll come up empty for energy" (Reno, p. 24).  And besides, Costanze keeps laying on my Eat-Clean Diet book while I try to type or laying across my keyboard.  I think she's telling me it's time to go to bed.  Sweet dreams!

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  1. I have Tosca's book too! This reminds me I should pull it out to get me all pumped up about EATING CLEAN again. As for sleep, I sure know I don't get the best quality sleep. It is probably one reason why it's been hard for me to lose these regained lbs. (That and too much snacking!!)

    1. That's great, Babs! We can compare Clean Eating notes! I am pumped about it, too! I agree that good sleep is SO important. It's not always easy to get quality sleep, but we can at least work on making improvements.

  2. Congrats on the great choices you're making. You are so motivating. BTW...I love the kitty computer pic. :0) So cute.

    1. Thanks Cheri. Your comments are motivating as well! And from Costanze: Thanks for the complement! ;>) She's my big baby.
