Monday, January 23, 2012

Post your Goals HERE:

Please post up to three healthy habits that you will incorporate for 90 days, starting Monday, January 30th (or later if you join us later).  Remember to keep your goals realistic.  I recommend reading the 90-Day Challenge before posting.


  1. These are my goals for this 90-day challenge:

    1.) Exercise aerobically for at least 30 minutes, 3 or more times per week.
    2.) Make healthy eating choices at least 80% of the time.
    3.) Limit alcohol intake to 2 or less servings per week.

  2. Everyone who posts gets a point. The first person to post after me gets a 5-point bonus!!

  3. I was reading everything you wrote and it really hit home with me. I had the same experience with quitting smoking 10 years ago. It took serious planning and preparation to finally get it right. I know you are right about planning to stick with it this time, so, alright...I'm in. Following are my goals:

    1) Drink 2 cans of diet soda or less per day.
    2) Drink a minimum of 48 oz of water per day (6 glasses).
    3) Work out at least 3 times per week.

    1. Yay!! 5 point bonus for you! 6 points total!! :>) I didn't realize it has been 10 years since you quit smoking. That is SO great! I'll bet you feel so much better. I know I do. I don't miss it anymore at all. But it was tough. I'd like to hear a little more about what you did to prepare to quit smoking.

      I luv your goals! I don't think they are unreasonable at all. I would like to add the water goal to mine, unofficially. It's tough to get that in sometimes. However, once it is habit, it's like second nature.

      I'm curious as to how much diet soda you drink now. Re: Work out 3x per week: Great! Thanks for sharing! You earned your bonus points.

  4. Karen Jan 24 2012 8;00 p.m

    1) wake up early for excercise at least 3 times a week
    2) Do some heavy areobic exercise for 3 days a week
    3) Do not over eat no matter how grumpy I feel

    1. Hi Karen:

      I got your message about the "Anonymous Karen", lol. That's funny. Not sure why it posted like that. I'm just learning how to navigate the blog site as well. I think you have to click on "Join this Site" on the right hand side of the screen. Then it prompts you to join by clicking on either Google, Yahoo, Twitter, etc. If you don't have an account by either of those, you will be taken to a screen that allows you to create a free account. (Seems a bit complicated but it's not really too bad.)

      Great goals!! "Wake up Early..." Man, that would be tough for me. I am SO not a morning person. But I have to say, the times I DID do that were great. I felt so much more prepared for my day. You don't have to worry about working out at the end of the day when you are tired. I might try to incorporate your goal once a week. No promises, but maybe,... I know I'd feel better if I did.

      Aerobic exercise is so important for the heart and circulatory system, as well as to boost metabolism. Excellent goal.

      I LUV your last goal, lol. "Do not overeat no matter how grumpy I feel." Boy, that's great! I do that too! Food is SUCH a buffer for our feelings. Isn't that ridiculous what a drug-like effect it can have on us?

      BTW: Have you defined what overeat means to you? You don't have to share here if you don't want to. I was just curious if you had a concrete idea of what that would mean for you. For example, is it not going for the second plate of food? Not eating out of the bag or stuffing yourself when you are already full? It's important to define that in our heads before we start.

      I think I might have a hard time sticking to this goal 100% of the time b/c it means to NEVER overeat when I would feel grumpy. For me, it might seem a little extreme. I might be more inclined to modify it somehow. For example, I would figure out how often I overeat when I'm grumpy. Is it 1x per week? 7x per week? I would then tell myself that I will start by reducing the number of times I allow myself to overeat when I am grumpy to N times per week. (Let N = the number of times you currently do this behavior minus a certain percentage.) Okay, in English? If you find yourself overeating 5 X per week due to feeling grumpy, allow yourself 2 or 3 x per week instead. Or maybe 1-2X per week if you are so motivated. That way you will be less inclined to self-sabotage. And if you happen to go a week with 0 x of relying on food when you feel grumpy, well,... I think that means you would earn a 10 point bonus! See! It's a lucrative deal!

      Whatever you decide, we are in this for a limited time: Only 90 days. It CAN be done!! We CAN DO this!! :>)

    2. Hi Mary I now just found my blogand your responseSo sorry for the late response.Very good advice especially defining overeating.I guess I never really thought of that so now I will Thanks:) Yeah I am not a early person either but I feel so much better ans especially coming home and just be able to relax and not worry about getting my exercise in because I already got it in:) It is not easy getting up so ealry but It is worth it! So al this week I got up early except for Fridays and Saturdays because Al wants to go to The communty center to workout on the machines which I agreed to becasue I feel I need to step it up a little now like running on the treadmill and doing the eliptical, burning alittle more calories and working my heart more. So thanks for the advice and I will talk later,I think I know now how to get in.Also excellent article about the LIver:)

  5. Back in December 2011 I had a knee replacement and I will spare you the whining but the silver lining was the 25 pounds i lost the first month after. I was still at the 25 pound loss as of june and my husband was diagnosed with COPD and he had to quit smoking so i quit too to support him-by August i had gained back 10 pounds and after xmas i had gained another 2 pounds.

    Tomorrow I am going shopping and getting good nutritious food to stock in my fridge and pantry.

    1) some type of exercise 3x a week for 1 month and increasing to 5x a week March 3rd

    2)3 small meals per day starting with a good healthy breakfast
    and 2 snacks per day like fruit or sugar free jellos

    3)get better rest than the 5 hours a night i get now

    1. Hi Gale: 25 lbs lost is incredible. Unfortunately it sounds like you went through a rough time at that time. Hope your knee recovery process is over with. I know that can be a long journey. I have never had that kind of surgery myself, but know others who have. HOORAY on quitting smoking! That absolutely makes me smile!!! Gale, I'm sure it was worth the few extra pounds, right? Can you talk a little about your experience with quitting? I quit back in about 1995 and I do not regret it one bit. It wasn't easy, but got much easier after the first week. The neat thing is, I don't miss smoking at all. I never thought that would be the case. Anyhow, congrats! So it sounds like you are still 13 lbs down from before the knee surgery. That is 13 lbs less of pressure on your joints permanently gone! Congratulations! I am so glad you joined and hope you keep up the momentum.

      As for your goals, they look doable. Good for you. Please continue to post your progress. I look forward to reading more.
