Sunday, October 7, 2012

Exceeding the Feed Limit!

"A diet is the penalty we pay for exceeding the feed limit" ~Author Unknown

So, the 3.5 pounds I lost in September has been gained back.  Sigh,...  Up again,... Down again,...  At least the scale fluctuations are not as extreme as they were during grad school and the time I was studying for licensure.  I am still (thankfully) about 30 lbs below my highest weight.  Life still feels a little hectic at times.  There are numerous changes going on in my personal life, family issues, and of course there are the typical existential issues to contend with (that we all deal with).  I find I am still resorting to food in times of stress, as a means of staying awake when I'm exhausted, as a source of comfort, and to reward myself.  I do enjoy good food! 

"Inside some of us is a thin person struggling to get out, but they can usually be sedated with a few pieces of chocolate cake"  ~Author Unknown

My newest dietary plan is the HMR Diet.  (HMR stands for Health Management Resources.)  It is a medically supervised (low calorie/low sodium) food replacement plan.  A friend introduced me to this plan and I did a little research online before making an appointment at an endocrinology clinic.  (The clinic encourages their patients with various metabolic diseases and health problems, such as hepatitis, NAFLD, diabetes, etc. to consider the HMR diet if they are unable to sustain long-term weight management through other means and are wanting to avoid weight loss surgery.)  But more on this weight loss plan in a moment,...    

Gummy Bear, once again, has to be in the photo shoot! (She is so curious and loves the attention!)  

On the upside, I have made some positive changes in my life.  I finally got rid of the "bummer" of a car that kept breaking down on me.  I gave in and purchased a new Miata!  I am very happy with that decision.  I have finally have something reliable AND fun to drive!  (Thanks to my colleagues, friends, family & Consumer Reports for your help in the decision making process!)  Although I suffered from a slight case of BMW-PTSD, I no longer worry about when and where my next vehicle break down will be.  One of my brothers asked me if AAA sent me a thank you note for dumping my old car.  Yes, it's true, I have premium AAA service and I far exceeded my towing allowance during the past year. (I told my brother they sent me a fruit basket.)    

The day after getting the new car, I had an appointment with my primary medical doctor.  I wanted to discuss the HMR diet with him and get a second opinion.  My weight was down slightly from my last visit.  My pulse registered at 98 and blood pressure 160/90 (at 2 different readings).  I chuckled and explained to my doc: "I just purchased a hot new little speedy/sporty convertible!  What do you expect?  Of course my pulse & BP are elevated!"  (Friends have also harassed me, insisting my nervous system can only handle a van or station wagon.)  I also defended the increase in BP, explaining that it had to do with other temporary stress, and anticipated that it will go back down when the stress lets up.  Although my doctor acknowledged the temporary condition, he explained that the heart can become conditioned to the higher pressure/rate in reaction to any type of stress, and it is just not healthy.  Needless to say, I agreed to go back on a daily dose of a beta-blocker (atenolol).  

My doctor and I engaged in a discussion about heart and liver health.  We know that cirrhosis caused by Hepatitis C is the leading cause of liver transplantation.  Hep C increases the risk of liver cancer.  Fatty liver, however, is also a leading cause of liver cancer and transplantation.  Obesity increases the risks of numerous cancers.  (And of course the extra weight is taxing on most of our organs and joints.)  Bottom line: It is time to lose some serious weight!  We discussed the HMR diet.  He looked over the literature and approved!  He explained that he was prepared to disapprove of the diet if it was low-carb, as that type of diet can be harsh on the liver.  HMR incorporates healthy carbs.  Although the endocrinology clinic will be monitoring me weekly, my regular MD is also going to have me return in 6 weeks to see what progress I am making and to monitor blood work.   If I am going to throw myself into another dietary program, I want to do it right.  That is why I chose to involve my primary MD in the decision-making process, and I chose a program that has a reputation for being nutritionally and medically sound.  I do have some reservations about the food restrictions/limitations.  However, this program is limited term.  I can adhere to just about any type of program if I know it has an end date.   

After receiving a thumbs up from my doc, I still had to wait for about a week for the results of my blood work.  It is kind of tough to stay motivated when you are emotionally ready to start a diet but are forced to wait.  I didn't mind too much though.  I tried (somewhat unsuccessfully) to avoid or at least limit the "this is my final week before starting the diet so I have to indulge" mentality.  Finally my lab work was cleared, I passed the EKG, and I received the green light on Friday to start.  However, I already had plans to go on a road trip to the fashion district of L.A. with friends to shop for bridesmaids gowns the next day.  I didn't want to set myself up for failure, so decided to wait to start the diet until Monday.  And yes, I did indulge in some not so healthy, but oh so comforting food choices over the weekend!  (Artichoke & Canadian Bacon Pizza, Roscoe's Chicken & Waffles, Baskin Robbins, The Habit,...  Need I say more?)  I exceeded the feed limit!

Now I am ready to start!  I am excited, and dreading it at the same time!   The program is 10-14 weeks for the first part.  It is very strict.  There is NO cheating!  Not even on holidays.  That will be a challenge.  I am still wondering how I am going to navigate Thanksgiving and Christmas.  Alcohol is out.  Buying my own groceries for the first part of this diet is out (other than some not-fat items, such as jello or sugar-free pudding mix, flavor extracts, etc.).  I will especially miss my Saturday Farmer's Market run!  I am grateful to have a friend who is on the same program.  She & her spouse have been super motivators and I know we will be able to offer each other support. I will be sure to come back to this blog and post my feedback about the plan.   

Hope your weekend was restful!  Happy Monday!      

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