Monday, September 3, 2012

Leaner Labor Day,...

Happy Labor Day!  I am certain I am not alone when I say how much I appreciate the extra day off.  It was a beautiful sunny day in the Central Valley area of CA.  Okay, so the temperature got up to about 97 degrees, but any day that is out of the triple digits is "a nice day".

Weigh-In:  I did follow through on my end-of-the-month weigh-in.  I was down a total of 3.6 pounds.  I am choosing to be happy with that!  Initially, however, my gut reaction was disappointment.  I anticipated that I should have lost 1.5 to 2 lbs per week.  But that was not the case.  But then I had to reflect and ask myself why I struggled with being happy considering I was making progress.  The weight did not go on in a month and it will take more than a month to get it off.  But 3.6 lbs down is progress in the right direction.  If I lost that much every month, I could be down another 14 lbs by the end of the year.  I could be 43 pounds thinner by this time next year.  And we all know that time is going to pass regardless.  Unfortunately we cannot slow that down father time.  So given the choice of weighing what I do now one year from now, or weighing 43 pounds less, I will happily take the 43 pounds less!  

Getting Out of the Slump:  The past two days were not great days diet-wise.  I could see a negative trend starting to emerge.  Once I eat too much of one thing in a day, I find it really easy to justify blowing my dietary habits for the rest of the day.  That becomes a vicious cycle.  But today I decided to pull it together.  I needed a pick-me-up so I decided to get the juicer out once again.

Juice Recipe:  I ended up with a bright lime green concoction this time!  But looks are deceiving!  This one was pretty sweet and very refreshing!  I decided to use up some of the items I had leftover from my trip to the farmer's market on Saturday.  Ingredients: Kale, broccoli, carrots, green apple, peach, & a small pear-apple put through the juicer.  Transferred the ingredients to the blender and added a banana, ice, and vanilla yogurt.  It really turned out well!  I did not need to add any ginger as there was no bitterness.  My friends should beware: I know what I am going to serve next St. Patty's Day!  lol!     
Workout:  Despite my ability to get lost in paperwork and on the computer, I managed to get to the gym and spent an hour on the treadmill.  I worked on a few weights and headed home for the evening.  I feel much better now than I did during the past two days.  

Dinner: consisted of a fresh green salad with baby tomatoes, broiled asparagus and broccoli, garlic butter salmon, and Green Goddess dressing.  (Yeah, I know that bright lime-green color isn't natural in a salad dressing but I luv that stuff!) 

Put the Fork Down!:  Rather than give in to my cravings for carbs right now, I am going to have a cup of herbal tea.  I do not need to stuff my face this evening.  I must continue to get away from the notion that food is here to serve as a drug.  It is not.  It is here to provide sustenance.  It can be pleasurable to look at and enjoyable to the palate.  We don't honor ourselves and the food we are given, however, by consuming too much of the wrong things; that defeats the purpose of being there to help sustain life!  Sometimes I just need to put the fork down.  Despite how much I desire to eat something, I need to postpone that momentary pleasure and put the fork down!  (For someone like me who loves to eat, that is often a difficult thing to do.)  But you know what?  It's a worthwhile habit to practice!  I have to remind myself that we only go around once in this world in the body we have been given.  Every day that we are alive to experience life is another opportunity to practice taking good care of the vehicle in which we make this journey!  Every day really is a gift, and we should treat it as such! (That's what I told myself today.  Tomorrow the battle begins all over again.)

Live your Truth and Love your Life!  Today I also decided to take a few moments for me, to be quiet and reflect, and to think about my purpose in life.  Why am I here?  I was asked to provide a training to psychology students on death and dying, so such existential thoughts are naturally at the forefront.  We all have to face the fact that life is terminal.  As one of my former supervisors used to repeat, "none of us gets out of this alive". Incidentally, that person has since passed on (and is missed).  The purpose of talking about our own limited existence on this earth is not to sit in a place of morbid sadness.  Just the opposite is true.  It is to stress how important it is that we don't go through life ignoring or running away from this fact, so that we do participate vibrantly, authentically, and to the fullest! 

Links: In looking up similar topics on the web, I ran across a few links that had to do with making the most out of each day.  I wanted to share them here.  Terri Cole, licensed psychotherapist, published a blog on 6 Keys to Live Your Truth and Love Your Life.  Also, here's another blog written by Death (and by Contributor Lisa Basquez,), titled Death Can Teach You How to Live

That is about all I have for one day!  Tomorrow it's back to work!  Enjoy your day and make the very most of it!  

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