Friday, October 12, 2012

HMR Day 4: Weigh-In

I started the day out by oversleeping!  We experienced rare thunderstorms last night.  It sure sounded nice!  Reminded me of home.  I enjoy listening to a good storm when I am home & tucked into bed.  So it felt like a lazy, rainy sluggish morning until I realized I must have turned the clocks off instead of hitting the snooze!  I made a quick rush to the shower, downed a vanilla, cinnamon & nutmeg shake & vitamin, grabbed my coffee to go and was on my way to work!

Not too much to report during the day.  The meals seem very satisfying.  I am not experiencing much hunger at all.  I forgot to mention yesterday that I noticed I had to reprogram the instinct to stop at the fruit stands on the way home from work.  I also had reprogram the automatic thoughts of "I am going to swing by the grocery store on the way home and pick something up".  I have to plan my meals now instead of shopping for what I want in the moment.  The plus side to this program is I don't have to think too much about the planning or cooking in the beginning.  I just grab the boxed entrees, oatmeal packs, shake packs, and go!  Without that convenience with my crazy schedule, I don't think I would have the time, energy, or patience to do what I need to do to be as successful at weight loss right now.

So tonight (Thursday nights) is medical check-in, weigh-in, and meeting night.  That went well!  I received the results of my lab work.  All in all, it looks really good!  Some highlights: 

Reference Range:
Lipid Panel: Cholesterol
Lipid Panel: Triglycerides
Lipid Panel: HDL (“Good” Cholesterol)
97 (High)
High HDL is associated with lowered risk of heart attack and stroke.
Lipid Panel: LDL (“Bad” Cholesterol)
47 (Low)   
We want this number to be low.
47 (Slightly on the low side.)
CBC: White blood count
CBC: Red Blood Count
CBC: Hemoglobin
CBC: Hematocrit
Liver Panel: AST
37 (Slightly elevated)
Liver Panel: ALT
Liver Panel: Bilirubin
Liver Panel: ALP (Alk Phos)

Even though my iron levels are on the lower side, I am not anemic.  People with liver disease have a tendency to accumulate excessive iron in the liver and are often advised to avoid iron in supplements.  Studies suggest that high iron accumulation in the liver can be predictive of failure to respond to treatment in Hep C patients (Riley III, M.D., (2001) Preventative Strategies in Chronic Liver Disease: Part I. American Family Physician.).  I was concerned about the vitamin supplements in the HMR program that contain a small amount of iron.  However, with a lower iron count pre-diet, it doesn't appear that it should be a problem.  Although my AST is slightly elevated, my primary doctor still considers this in the "normal" range, all things considered.  My AST and ALT have improved!  That was great news!  At least now I know what my numbers are pre-diet.  It doesn't look like much needs to be changed, in regards to the blood work results.  I feel pretty optimistic about the numbers!

My blood pressure also has improved!  116/72 sitting and 106/80 standing.  (Much better than the 160/90 in September.)  Pre-diet weight at the clinic was 213.9.  Weight after 3.5 days on the diet: 211!  That's a loss of 2.9 lbs!  Yay!  (Thankfully I am still 34.2 lbs down from my highest weight of 245.2 in August 2010.)

The meeting went well.  It was held classroom style.  There were people there who are newer to the diet, some who have been on for a while, and several who are transitioning to the maintenance phase.  And I also noticed there were men and women of all shapes, sizes, and backgrounds.  One person told me that she thought week one was the most difficult, but after that, she became accustom to the lifestyle change.  The others who I spoke with briefly seemed to be really happy with the plan.  It is not that difficult to follow and maintain.  Everyone recorded their weekly summaries on the wipe board in the front of the room.  (How many meal replacements consumed; How much physical activity calories; Did you meet minimum daily food prescription intake?; Were you "In the Box", meaning, did you eat only the HMR allowable food items?, etc.)  We discussed various topics and the group gave input to a couple people who shared their weekly food plan.  It was a very supportive environment.  Then, of course, we picked up our food orders for the next week and were on our merry way.  One other benefit I have taken note of: I am spending a LOT less on grocery and restaurant bills than I did off of the diet!  I anticipate this trend will remain in effect throughout the course of the first 10-14 weeks.    

Tonight's entree selection was the Cheese & Basil Ravioli with Tomato Sauce:
Not bad!  I'm not finding much food that I don't like on this diet.  My favorites are still the lasagne and the mushroom risotto, so I ordered more of those this time.  The evening shake was a new recipe: Hot vanilla shake mixed with cocoa powder and HMR peanut powder.  That was a soothing nighttime beverage. 

I am happy my friend introduced me to this program.  It really helps to have support!  Yes, I know it's early on, but I am still very optimistic.  I found out there is a clinic back in the Fox Cities, (Wisconsin), which will be useful for when I travel back home to see family.  That was good news!  The HMR program requires a weekly medical check-in and attendance at the support meeting, so I wouldn't be able to maintain the diet and travel for extended periods of time otherwise.  (The program does have some strict guidelines, including no extended travel during the first phase of the plan.)  Hopefully the clinic I attend now will approve that option.   

Well, that is all for now.  It is time to relax before turning in for the evening.  Luckily my alarm clock does not have to be set as early tomorrow morning. 

Have healthy, happy dreams! 
Don't forget to join this site!  (See link on the right side of screen.)

Click HERE for additional Weight/Nutrition/Health resources.
Click HERE for Hep C resources.

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