Sunday, August 26, 2012

Sunday, August 26, 2012: Where Does Time Fly?

I cannot believe August is almost over already!  My last blog was July 4th.  Thought I'd better post before another month is gone.

To Do List:  I woke up feeling a bit overwhelmed with things I needed to get done today, so I made a plan.  I started out by writing my "to do" list, with the intention of not having to get everything done, but to get as much crossed off the list as possible. It helps me to prioritize if I can write my task list down on paper.   (Top of today's list: keeping in touch with family - certainly not a task but a priority that I look forward to - and working on personal health issues.  Next: research, bills, paperwork, cleaning, etc.).  With only one day off per week lately, there is never enough time in the day.  But I find that lists do help!  They keep me organized and remind me that I am making progress.    

I did manage to pick up some fresh produce to make a great green and berry smoothie!
Smoothie:  I haven't made a good juice smoothie in probably over two weeks.  Yesterday I focused my diet largely on fresh fruits from the farmer's market, some protein (tuna) and a brown rice dish I made with tomatoes, pizza sauce & some veggies.  However, my diet on Saturday lacked a good variety of vegetables.  Today I decided to make up for it by powering up the juicer and blender.  My smoothie concoction consisted of celery, cucumber, kale, spinach, lime, ginger, apple, pear, strawberries, blueberries, blackberries, raspberries, banana, almond milk and ice.  It tasted great!  It was filling, and I feel good. Some people have asked me to send them juice recipes, but I find that I end up just throwing things together that I like, that I know tastes good, and that I know are packed with nutrients and antioxidants.  Just remember that ginger is a good spice to combat the bitterness of some greens, and most soft fruits and berries should be mixed in a blender, as opposed to the juicer.  (First juice the greens and hard fruits, like green apples, then pour the mix in a blender to add the rest of the ingredients.)  Sometimes I locate good tips from the web as there are a lot of websites and blogs devoted to healthy juicing.  I found some healthy, tasty recipes in my Juice Lady recipe book as well, but I tend to tailor those, depending on availability of ingredients and personal preference.   

The Scale:  I decided last month to get in a habit of stepping on the scale only once per month.  This forces me to really pay attention to my body and how my clothes are fitting, as opposed to obsessing over a number on the scale.  I am paying much more attention to the types and amounts of food that I consume lately.  I feel like I have been doing well.  I am hopeful and actually kind of anxious to see if the scale agrees with me this Friday.

Well, that is all for today.  It felt good to stop by the blog to reflect; Now it is time to run to the gym and get back to my list!

Happy Sunday!  
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