Sunday, May 6, 2012

May 6, 2012: Post 90-Day Reflections,...

We have officially passed the 90-day marker.  I am still on vacation in WI but decided it was time to step on the scale.  Even though it isn't the scale I use regularly, I thought it should give me a fairly accurate idea of how much damage I have done while visiting family & friends in the Dairy State.  As luck has it, the scale is not working.  The battery must be dead.  And please trust me when I say this: I don't want you to send new batteries.  I prefer it this way!  :>)

So here is what I learned about myself,... or should I say relearned:  Setting goals is an important part of the process of making lifestyle changes.  It helps to keep me motivated and focused.  Goals remind me of why I am making the sacrifices in the first place.  Sharing goals with others can also help to motivate and hold us accountable.  On the flip side, 90-days was too long and 3 habits were too many to focus on changing at once.  I liked the idea of having a longer-term goal in mind, but in the future, I think I will make the longer-term goal more generalized and return to focusing on specific shorter term goal(s), such as a weekly or even daily goals.  Although I attempted to incorporate short-term goals, there were several weeks in which the schedule was thrown off and the healthy habits program took a dive.  For example, the week I had to prepare for court testimony was super busy and a bit stressful.  I couldn't get to the gym and didn't really watch what I ate.  Another time that I allowed the habits to slip was when a friend came to visit and we hit wine country.  And going on vacation, well,... that's the best excuse I have for enjoying life's guilty food pleasures!  Those activities became priority and I allowed the healthy habits to take a back seat.  I didn't take time out to officially shift my goals during those weeks.  I just went with the flow.  And then at the end of the weeks where I didn't adhere to my 3 healthy habits that I was agreed to change for the entire 90-days, it felt a little like a defeat.  I need to allow for more flexibility in my planning, without going off the deep end.    
I learned that I really felt good on the days that I worked out and ate healthy.  Working out in moderation and consistency were both key.  I enjoyed trying new healthy recipes and sharing recipes with family/friends.  I also find that the presentation of food is important.  I am less likely to overeat if I take time to prepare healthy food and present it in a manner that is pleasing.  Preparing good food forces me to slow down and think about why I am eating - not only as a means of relieving stress, or as a drug to simply feel good, but to nourish the body.  Eating good food and exercising definitely has an impact on mood and cognitive function as well.  While it is true that none of us will exit this world alive, we can make the most of life while we are here.  We do that, in part, by taking good care of the vehicle we have been given to navigate this world; our body and mind.                   

Points: You didn't think I forgot about the points, did you?  Cheri, Karen, and Gale earned 5000 points for posting their goals.  They will earn another 5000 each if they post again to tell us how they did.  Everyone who joined this site earned 2000 points.  Those who have read the blog can claim 1000.  And 50,000 points goes to anyone who adhered to changing their 3 habits for the entire 90-days!  For those that got anything positive out of this blog or who made any healthy change for the better during this time, a million points to you! 

I am going to continue to use this blog to work on improving healthy habits and share good tidbits that others share with me.  For example, someone shared with me a story of two coworkers who both lost a lot of weight.  One was using Weight Watchers program.  Another simply eliminated drinking alcohol during the week.  I found that story quite interesting, but not surprising.  Although we know there are health benefits associated with drinking wine, even one drink could potentially negatively impact the diet.  Often people crave alcohol due to low blood sugar.  When they drink, they get a quick rush, and then the blood sugar crashes again.  I am one of those people who, after having even just one drink, I have to eat.  The cravings kick in like crazy, and then watch out carbs!  Alcohol consumption can contribute to a drop in blood sugar, or hypoglycemia.  Symptoms of hypoglycemia include anxiety, dizziness, sweating, pounding heart, confusion, weakness, unclear thinking, and depression.  It really does become a vicious cycle.  Not drinking during the week sounds like a wise plan in the weight loss scheme.  But also eating healthy fiber-rich, low-glycemic foods to avoid the blood sugar crash and lessen cravings will also be a vital part of the ongoing plan.      

Well, time to run.  I have plans to spend time with friends and enjoy my clean & organized kitchen!  Happy Sunday! 
Don't forget to join this site!
Click on the "Join This Site" link on the right hand side, under the heading "Followers".

Read more about the 90-Day Challenge!

Also, don't forget that you can post YOUR GOALS HERE
Click HERE for additional Weight/Nutrition/Health resources.
Click HERE for Hep C resources.


  1. Sorry to say I totally flopped on the goals. I can't believe the 90 days is already passed. On a good note, I figured out the sleep issue that has been taking its toll on me. I am hoping that helping that problem, I will be able to begin focusing on the others have not yet given up, just haven't yet progressed either. LOL

    1. Way to earn another 5000 points! :) I know, that time flew by! I'm glad to hear you figured out somethings re: the sleep issue. Of course don't give up! We haven't failed at this. It is a process and good on any of us who continue to make steps in the right direction! Keep me posted Cheri! Good to hear from you!

  2. Hey it's been a week, how long are you on Vaca???? I'm still struggling along. But this week I also started journaling on My Fitness Plan, as well as WW. I am doubleing up on my journaling, but I'm also more accurate.

    1. Hi Carolyn: Was on vaca for 2 weeks! And that flew by! I like the idea of journaling your fitness plan. Keep me posted on how that goes!
