Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Day Two HMR:

TODAY was a better day!  My headache was gone and I felt rested!  I had some minor cramping of the lower abdomen in the morning, but luckily that did not last long.  Overall, I felt really good!       

The HMR Meal Replacement Prescription is as follows: Consume a minimum of 4 items from the "shake" category.  This includes any of the flavored HMR shakes, the HMR chicken soup, or the multi-grain oatmeal.  In addition, a minimum of  2 entrees must be consumed, along with 2 HMR multivitamins and 8-10 glasses per day of water or other non-caloric fluids.

My homework this week was twofold: First, I was asked to consume 2 shakes at one sitting on any given night.  This was an experiment, I was told, to get an idea of how full the shakes can make you feel, and to consider using the shakes as a defense against giving into temptation.  Before going to an outing where the food options could be overwhelming, for example, it is possible to ward off the hunger-triggered binge by getting used to feeling satiated prior to the event.  It does help.  I liken it to going to the grocery store on an empty stomach; be prepared to do a lot more damage to the pocket book than you would if you go when you are not hungry.

I made a shake this evening with two powdered vanilla shake packs, ice-cubes, water, cocoa, mint extract, and some instant coffee.  It was really filling and lasted longer.  A couple hours later I was hungry again.  However, I am drinking some tea and the hunger is starting to pass.  It's 11:48pm and I don't want to eat another entree, even though that is encouraged if hungry.  Morning will come quick enough.    

Get in at least 10 minutes extra of physical activity per day (above and beyond what I normally get in).  Tonight I got home from work and it was late.  I wanted to go for a walk but decided, instead of going out in the dark alone, I would pick up the violin.  It may not be the same as aerobic activity, but it is a workout, especially for the arms.  I am looking forward to playing at a friend's wedding in November so figured this was a more appropriate activity.
I practiced violin for over an hour.  According to a person who weighs 213 lbs will burn approximately 242 calories per hour playing the violin! (A person weighing 150 lbs would burn about 170 calories.)  That was more than I anticipated.  I guess it really is a workout!  

Today at lunch I had a business meeting to attend at a local restaurant.  I had some pre-meeting anxiety, wondering how I was going to navigate that situation knowing I couldn't order any food off of the menu.  However, I sent an email to my colleagues suggesting they pick the place to meet as I was on a medically-supervised diet; as long as there were tea or coffee options, I would be happy.  Luckily, I was not given too much grief.  They inquired, of course, about the diet, but were supportive.  In fact, my favorite waitress at my favorite Japanese restaurant even comped my hot tea!  That was nice!  I asked for an additional cup of hot water, brought a disposable bowl, and made my own oatmeal at the table.  It wasn't as awkward as I thought it might be.  I really appreciate that I can still go out to eat with friends and colleagues.       

Tonight's dinner entree was Chicken Creole.  Again, I was pleased with the entree.  The portion size wasn't huge, but it was just enough.  It was flavorful and just enough spice for me; it wasn't overpowering.

It was interesting that on the first day of my diet, I already came in contact with someone who was willing to encourage me to cheat.  "You can cheat just a little.  It doesn't hurt to have,..."  She meant well, perhaps, but on this plan, it was made very clear that NO CHEATING is allowed!  I like the emphasis on no cheating.  I need to make this work without giving in to other temptations.  I have everything I need in this program.  If I get hungry, I can eat more of the allowable food items.  I don't need to cheat.  I don't need to take on a saboteur's negative attitudes.  When I think about it, this program really is simple and cuts out a lot of the guess work.  I can do this!
As for reactions from most others, well,... most don't really get all worked up about it.  Kind of like my felines,... Unless it involves them directly, they could care less, lol.  (Wait until they find out they are going on a diet next!)  

That's all I have for now.  Time to catch some shuteye.

Ciao for Now! 


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  1. Excellent blog! I agree that it's very important to not cheat on this plan to get the results you want. I thought the 2 shake exercise was an interesting one. I like it that they give you assignments like that rather than just giving you the food and then you're on your own.

    1. Again, thank you for the supportive comments, Babs! I agree that it is ideal to be on a plan in which they invest more than taking your money and handing you the food. Tomorrow I have my first weekly medical check-in and support meeting. I'll keep you posted on how that goes.

      Hope you are doing well!
