Sunday, March 17, 2013

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Happy St. Patrick's Day! 
How are you celebrating the day?  I enjoyed seeing & reading how my Facebook friends are commemorating the Irish holiday.  Several people posted pictures of themselves and/or their children decked out in green.  Some even donned elaborate costumes.  Many appear to be enjoying each others company via the local Irish pub, downing the green suds!  Friends in Chicago reported that the river is dyed a "different" deeper shade of green.  Those reporting from the San Antonio River Walk also experienced the dying of the river.  I am thinking of my maternal grandmother today.  She celebrated her birthday on St. Patty's Day.  She also had Irish blood, so I recall fond memories of green celebrations, shamrock cakes, & Irish music to honor her this time of year.  I also have fond memories of "What Bernie Did to Win an Irish Jersey" at McGuinness Irish Pub in Appleton.  Only a few of you may have been privy to that moment, but I am sure it will bring about a smile! Whatever you are doing today, I hope it's memorable!  

Although I cannot partake in the green beer ritual this year, I decided to make my own "Irish HMR shake".  I attempted to make a shamrock with fat-free pistachio pudding powder yesterday.  It didn't turn out as well as expected, so I switched it up today.  This time, I turned the pistachio pudding into a paste (HMR diet-friendly) and painted a shamrock onto wax paper.  The shamrock set in the freezer while I went for a walk/run.  Then I made a blended HMR shake, let it set for about 12 minutes in the freezer, and VoilĂ !   Sham Shake!  
I have been missing my California oranges as I drive by the numerous fruit stands on my daily commute to work.  That inspired my new favorite shake recipe of the week: Lemon orange cheesecake.  (Ingredients: HMR shake mix, lemon fat-free pudding mix, fat-free cheesecake pudding mix, & orange extract, water & 8+ ice-cubes blended.)  Very refreshing!  (Wouldn't it look nice with a slice of orange on the glass?)  Did you happen to notice the tulips blooming in the background? 

I still am amazed that they bloom in March!  I guess I am still mentally accustom to the Midwest growing season.  

I am happy to report that I met my St. Patty's Day goal of getting into the 160's!  Two weeks ago I had a minor setback on the scale.  It reflected a gain of 0.6 pounds.  My HMR educator reminded me that we can still be losing weight but not see it on the scale, due to normal fluctuations in the water that our body retains. That's why it is SO important for weight loss progress to be focused on a 4-week total, rather than week to week.  Last Thursday's weigh-in resulted in a 4.4 pound loss on the scale, for a total weight of 166!  That more than made up for the slight gain.  I have lost a grand total of 79.2 pounds, of which the last 47.9 was lost on the HMR Program.  I am one pound shy of moving from the "obese" category to the "overweight" category.  That is a huge milestone for me in my quest to get healthier! 
A friend challenged me to consider running a 5K.  Although I have had knee and foot issues in the past, I have been feeling pretty good the last year or so.  I decided to give it a try and start training.  I have walked a 5K in the past, but the thought of running is daunting.  But I cannot ignore that challenge!  Today I managed to get in a 4.73 miles walk with several minute bouts of running.  It is so nice to walk outdoors when the weather is nice, and to take in all the blooms.  I started using the C25K app (Couch to 5K) that a friend recommended.  I also track my distance and speed using the Map My Ride iPhone app.  The C25K allows you to listen to your own music, while a vocal coach tells you when to run or walk.  It is designed to help get you ready for a 5K in one month.   Both apps work pretty good and both have a free version to download.

I wanted to say a special word to my friends and family who are suffering health problems right now.  Unfortunately, there are too many of you, but my heart goes out to you in your struggles.  Several people are going through surgeries, chemotherapy, and radiation.  It seems so many lives are touched by cancer in one way or another.  Know that you are not alone and that you teach us how to be brave.  You teach the rest of us what it means to be strong and fight!  You teach us that whining over the little things in life is not worth it.  That we need to look at the bigger picture from time to time, and always put our best foot forward.  And as a colleague/friend put it, "It makes one take toll of the fact that each day could be your last, and, therefore it is really important to say I love you, do a kind deed, and spend time with the people in your life who really matter" (C.M.).  Sometimes we cannot always manage to be there in person, with those who matter, but there are numerous other ways to stay connected.   

Be the best you that you can be today!  Be a little "selfish" with your time on occasion, taking  time out to rejuvenate & play!  Take care of you so that you can also reach out and do good for others!

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1 comment:

  1. You are so clever with your pudding paste shamrock! Speaking of rock, YOU ROCK!!! Congrats on making your St Patty's goal and getting into the 160's, and I also think it's awesome you're training to run a 5K. :-)
